Jim 'Big Tiger' Remsik

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My Experiences In Pair Programming

2010 Sept 9 – Chicago, IL

A chance conversation over twitter with @mclazarus got me thinking about what I know, and don’t, know about Pair Programming. The following is the result of that thought process. Cue Law and Order noise


Two People at One Desk

Two people at different desks in same room/building

Two people geographically separated

Deal killers



Successful pairing is less about how you accomplish it so long as you respect those things called out in the agile manifesto.

Deal killers



Successful pairing is less about how you accomplish it so long as you respect those things called out in the agile manifesto.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

I'm Speaking at Conferencia Rails 2011
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